Judith Bollongino
Contact details
Judith Bollongino
Research Fellow/ PhD-student
DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Deutungsmacht"
Universitaet Rostock
Universitaetsplatz 5
18055 Rostock
E-Mail: judith.bollongino@uni-rostock.de
A "civil peace-corps"?!
– Finding a concept between ethical postulates and empirical conditions
Peace and ethics of peace are relevantly discussed in theology and other scientific discplines. But there is a broad variety to its meaning, interpretation and relevance. This is to be viewed as well as the inner-theological discussion of "just peace" ("gerechter Frieden") and the concepts of "just policing" and the "responsibility to protect". Rooted in this discussion the dissertation tries to develop a concept of "just peace" in contrast to the "just war"-tradition which includes practical thoughts due to empirical conditions of governmental resources, in specific: a civil peace-corps. This needs to be reflected on theoretical thoughts about the power of interpretation, specificly: Does a subject which is interpreted need a catching term to gain interpretational power? Further more the dissertation reflects different relations: theology and politics, eschatological and utopian aspects, public political discourse and its conditions.
Research interests
- peace
- ethics of peace
- theology in relation to public opinion and politics
- ecumenism
- eschatological and utopian ideas
- interpretation and power of interpretation
CV (short)
since May 2019 PhD-Student of theology
2019 B.A. education/teaching in secondary school (Subjects: Religion/ Latin) at university of Hamburg
2018 Diplomatic degree of theology at university of Hamburg